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iTunesAppCOM.idl File Reference


interface  IiTunes
 Defines the top-level iTunes application object. More...
interface  IITOperationStatus
 Represents the status of an asynchronous add or convert operation. More...
interface  IITConvertOperationStatus
 Represents the status of an asynchronous convert operation. More...
interface  _IiTunesEvents
 Defines the outgoing event interface of the IiTunes interface. More...
interface  _IITConvertOperationStatusEvents
 Defines the outgoing event interface of the IITConvertOperationStatus interface. More...
class  iTunesApp
 Represents the iTunes application. More...


enum  ITPlayerState {
  ITPlayerStateStopped = 0,
 Specifies the state of the player. More...
enum  ITVisualSize {
  ITVisualSizeSmall = 0,
 Specifies the size of the visuals. More...
enum  ITCOMDisabledReason {
  ITCOMDisabledReasonOther = 0,
 Specifies the reason the COM interface is being disabled. More...
enum  ITPlayButtonState {
  ITPlayButtonStatePlayDisabled = 0,
 Specifies the state of the play/pause/stop button. More...
enum  ITPlayerButton {
  ITPlayerButtonPrevious = 0,
 Specifies a player button. More...
enum  ITPlayerButtonModifierKey {
  ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyNone = 0,
  ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyShift = 1,
  ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyControl = 2,
  ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyAlt = 4,
  ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyCapsLock = 8
 Player button modifier key flags. More...
enum  ITEvent {
  ITEventDatabaseChanged = 1,
  ITEventPlayerPlay = 2,
  ITEventPlayerStop = 3,
  ITEventPlayerPlayingTrackChanged = 4,
  ITEventCOMCallsDisabled = 6,
  ITEventCOMCallsEnabled = 7,
  ITEventQuitting = 8,
  ITEventAboutToPromptUserToQuit = 9,
  ITEventSoundVolumeChanged = 10
 Events generated by IiTunes. More...
enum  ITConvertOperationStatusEvent {
  ITConvertOperationStatusChanged = 1,
  ITConvertOperationComplete = 2
 Events generated by IITConvertOperationStatus. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ITCOMDisabledReason

Specifies the reason the COM interface is being disabled.

Enumeration values:
ITCOMDisabledReasonOther  (0) COM interface is being disabled for some other reason.
ITCOMDisabledReasonDialog  (1) COM interface is being disabled because a modal dialog is being displayed.
ITCOMDisabledReasonQuitting  (2) COM interface is being disabled because iTunes is quitting.

enum ITConvertOperationStatusEvent

Events generated by IITConvertOperationStatus.

Enumeration values:
ITConvertOperationStatusChanged  (1) status about the conversion operation has changed
ITConvertOperationComplete  (2) the conversion operation has completed

enum ITEvent

Events generated by IiTunes.

Enumeration values:
ITEventDatabaseChanged  (1) iTunes database has changed
ITEventPlayerPlay  (2) a track has started playing
ITEventPlayerStop  (3) a track has stopped playing
ITEventPlayerPlayingTrackChanged  (4) information about the currently playing track has changed
ITEventCOMCallsDisabled  (6) calls to the iTunes COM interface will be deferred (typically because a modal dialog is displayed)
ITEventCOMCallsEnabled  (7) calls to the iTunes COM interface will no longer be deferred (typically because the last modal dialog has been dismissed)
ITEventQuitting  (8) iTunes is about to quit, existing iTunes COM objects will no longer be valid
ITEventAboutToPromptUserToQuit  (9) iTunes is about to prompt the user to quit, you should release iTunes COM objects if you want to avoid the dialog
ITEventSoundVolumeChanged  (10) the sound output volume has changed

enum ITPlayButtonState

Specifies the state of the play/pause/stop button.

Enumeration values:
ITPlayButtonStatePlayDisabled  (0) Disabled play button.
ITPlayButtonStatePlayEnabled  (1) Enabled play button.
ITPlayButtonStatePauseEnabled  (2) Enabled pause button.
ITPlayButtonStatePauseDisabled  (3) Disabled pause button.
ITPlayButtonStateStopEnabled  (4) Enabled stop button.
ITPlayButtonStateStopDisabled  (5) Disabled stop button.

enum ITPlayerButton

Specifies a player button.

Enumeration values:
ITPlayerButtonPrevious  (0) Previous/rewind button.
ITPlayerButtonPlay  (1) Play button.
ITPlayerButtonNext  (2) Next/fast forward button.

enum ITPlayerButtonModifierKey

Player button modifier key flags.

Enumeration values:
ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyNone  (0) No modifiers.
ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyShift  (1) Shift key down.
ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyControl  (2) Control key down.
ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyAlt  (4) Alt key down.
ITPlayerButtonModifierKeyCapsLock  (8) Caps Lock key toggled.

enum ITPlayerState

Specifies the state of the player.

Enumeration values:
ITPlayerStateStopped  (0) Player is stopped.
ITPlayerStatePlaying  (1) Player is playing.
ITPlayerStateFastForward  (2) Player is fast forwarding.
ITPlayerStateRewind  (3) Player is rewinding.

enum ITVisualSize

Specifies the size of the visuals.

Enumeration values:
ITVisualSizeSmall  (0) Small size visuals.
ITVisualSizeMedium  (1) Medium size visuals.
ITVisualSizeLarge  (2) Large size visuals.

Generated on Fri Mar 13 12:50:54 2009 for iTunes
©2004-2007 Apple Computer, Inc.